We would like to thank you for your continued support during this COVID-19 pandemic, and as you are aware we have adapted as best we can to continue business as usual during this time.
Wednesday 20 May 2020 16:22 Press release

We are pleased to announce that our panel valuers Connells will begin to accept physical valuation instructions starting this week. For Connells and ourselves the safety of Valuers, clients, and indeed occupants is paramount. To this extent, Connells have confirmed:
- They remain committed to follow Government guidelines regarding the health and safety of their staff and the customers with whom they come into contact.
- All surveyors have been provided with PPE and training on its use and disposal.
- A detailed risk assessment will be undertaken at the time of booking appointments to establish clear and secure inspection protocols with property occupiers.
- Surveyors will conduct a second risk assessment with the occupier immediately prior to inspection to ensure those protocols have been followed, safe distancing will be respected and the property is ready to inspect, thereby ensuring the mutual safety and comfort of the property occupier and the surveyor.
There will of course be a backlog of cases that are being booked in. If you have an application in progress with us and it is awaiting a physical valuation we hope that these will be instructed within 10 working days from today.
Our processing team will notify you via email when the valuation has been instructed and you will also receive an email when the valuation has been booked, along with when the report has been returned.
If you have not had an update on your valuation within 10 working days please do contact our processing team on 01799 582 966 option 1 or mortgage.processing@saffronbs.co.uk for further assistance. It is important that you do allow this time-frame prior to requesting an update, to ensure we can concentrate on getting the physical inspections instructed in a timely manner.